Senin, 11 April 2011

Upcoming Events!

Things to get excited about

The path to summer is paved with non-stop adventure! Of course, as you already know... we normally come up with what we are going to make on Monday and our insane team somehow manages to create all of the new things and release every Friday. So the list only highlights the extra special events that we know for sure are coming for you... and there will be A LOT more... it all starts THIS FRIDAY!
THIS FRIDAY: Ayi's Musical Event in AQWorlds (This Friday)
Friday April, 22nd
: Grenwog! (Events in ALL 5 games)
Monday April, 18th
: AQWorlds Card Game at Toys-R-Us
Thursday April, 28th
: HeroSmash BETA and... FOUNDER!
May - Friday the 13th with Voltaire in May!
May - The DoomWood Saga begins in AQWorlds!

Kamis, 07 April 2011

Fear not, my friends!

Well…actually…. fear A LOT!

Ooooohh! I just got the chills! And it’s not from the weather… since us Floridians are enjoying the 80 degree sunshine right now =D
I’ve got the chills in preparation for Friday’s release!
A new threat has presented itself to the world of Lore. They are called Terrorkind, a race of monstrous beasts deriving from an unknown dimension... a dimension comprised entirely out of fear! And about 3 million of them are headed THIS WAY! O____O Yikes!
Have you seen this Monster?
The Terrorkind must be stopped. If we can thin their ranks… perhaps we can get some answers as to who… or what… is behind this fearful onslaught…
Like good ‘ol Cysero said yesterday, you have to defeat waves of monsters in order to raise the War Meter. Once the meter increases by 25%, a new area of the battlefield will unlock. As you progress, you will venture further and further into enemy territory until you reach the Fear Feeder who is behind all these attacks… and only then may we get some answers!
But this war is ganna be a bit different. Each monster has a chance to drop up to 5 different Fear Trinkets (name is pending!). And you will be able to use these Trinkets in the War Merge Shop to score some awesome never-before-seen items!
Fear Merge
Because we all know how difficult farming for merge items can be, we decided to add a…uh…I don’t know what you would call it…but basically you can use these Trinkets to buy other Trinkets in case you have a bagillion FearTrinkets1 but really need just one more FearTrinket4 to get that epic sword from the merge shop.
Did that make any sense? Or did I just confuse you? Good—my job here is done =p   

Limited Quantity Shop

Wowie! Khuddar the Black Market Dealer in Battleon has nearly SOLD OUT of his epic loot!
lqs left
Just like the name suggests, all the items in his shop are limited in supply. And once they sell out completely… that’s it—no more will EVER be released. So it looks like this might be your last chance to score the remaining items from his shop before it’s too late!
What sort of items would you like to see in the next Limited Quantity Shop? No release date is determined…yet… but we would like to know what sort of rare items you would like to get your hands on. We don’t know when the next shop will come… or what time it will come… but just like this LQShop, we will give you ample warning time so that everyone across the globe will have a fair chance at getting the next shipment of items ^___^
Let us hear your ideas on the forums!

Selasa, 05 April 2011

Location: Djinn Realm - Oasis
Level: 40
Difficulty: 4 stars
Total HP: 38,902
  • Eyebeam : 133-156
  • Attack Berserk Monster HP 20000-16000-13000-8000-5500-2000
  • Claw Swing: Current HP - (Current HP - 1)
Temporary Items Dropped:
Items Dropped:

The War of Fear!

WAR is coming to Battleon!

It's been quite a while since we've had a war in AQW and it's long past time. If you have never participated in a war on AQW then here's what you need to know: Everyone fights. Noone quits. If you quit I'll kill you myself.
Actually I won't kill you. I won't even toss a clever remark your way and i LOVE doing that. It's just a quote from a movie.
There are a set number of foes (which sometimes changes depending on the storyline) and you try to defeat all the waves. As you progress you will venture further and further into enemy territory until you reach the War General who has been sending his troops at you, and usually the reason for the attacks is revealed.
This time we will alsi be dropping stackable items that you be able to use in a merge shop to acquire some War Rares, and when you reach the boss there will be MORE rares for you to obtain if you have th guts and stamina.
Some people weren't made for war. Some people were born to be farmers. Coincidentally, you warriors will spend a lot of your time farming the war.
This war will all be building up to NEXT week's Fear Chaser event!
We will also be adding a few new Player Suggestion items to the Player Suggestion shop in Yulgar. Remember that the ONLY way to see your ideas get into game is adding them to the Suggestion Threads on the AQW Forums!
Here's a taste of what's to come. This is the Royal Fang Armor and helm suggested by Royal Knight and crafted for AQW by Polistar. The loincloth is color custom to your armor color and the eys match your Accessory color!

AQW Anything Goes Battleon Battle Cards!

You've already heard all of this if you follow me on Twitter, but this weekend I played took my advance deck of AQW Battle Cards home this weekend to play-test it with Nursey (my wife) and Alces (my best friend). I wanted to know how easy it was to understand for someone who had never seen it before and really didn't have much or any experience with card games.
I slaughtered Alces but Nursey took me down. It was her first game EVER and she beat me flat. I couldn't be more proud of my wife.
I also went to my local comic shop and purchased some card sleeves for the cards themselves and a deck box (These items do NOT come with the game, nor will we sell them on HeroMart). looks pretty professional if i say so myself.
The more I play this game the more fun I have with it. I can't wait to bring it to DragonCon and play some of you guys!
Remember, these go on sale APRIL 18th in U.S. Toys R Us stores around the country. If you live outside the US or your local store didn't get any of the game then you will have to way until early May for the cards to be available on HeroMart.